What is something that your mother has done that is unforgivable?
This is somewhat painful to talk about. But I never even thought about it in the context of this question until right now: I now see that I have never forgiven my mother for this! I never realized that I needed to. Wow. This is difficult.
My younger sister and I were one year apart. Out of five children, we were the youngest two. When I was 12 and she 11, she developed a slight limp on her left leg. I asked her about it. She didn’t know why, but it did not hurt. But the limp only increased: little by little. I told my mother about it and Pamela should go to the doctor. She shunted me aside and told me not to worry about it.
Probably six months later, her limp was severe. It was at her hip, and she had to swivel her thigh around her hip to be able to walk. I got angry at my mother and insisted, demanded that she go to the doctor! After a delay of a few more weeks, my parents took her for an exam.
They scheduled her for a biopsy. It was a large tumor. They performed the operation a week later. My mother told me that they couldn’t get it all. And it was cancer. I yelled at my mother in total shock and pain myself, She can die!
My mother denied it, but forbid me to talk to Pamela about it. She slept on the couch downstairs. After a few months, Pamela was screaming and crying in pain most every night. The last month she screamed every night that she wanted to die. Finally she did. I had just turned 13 and she would have turned 12 in three weeks.
Not realizing it until answering this question, I have always harbored anger at my mother for not taking her to the doctor when I told her to: but why would it take a child to tell her to? Couldn’t she see Pamela’s limp? Shouldn’t they have taken her to the doctor even before I saw the need to?
My mother was not a good mother. She was a terrible home maker. She was self absorbed. She spent most of her time drinking black coffee, smoking cigarettes, while reading dime novels.
And. . . the way I always felt about it, and never verbalized it until right now as I write this . . . My mother killed my little sister through her rotten, selfish neglect! There mother! I said it.
Years later, as adults, my brother told me that they were worried about me because they knew how close we were. . . and that I never cried, not even at the funeral. Tell’em it’s okay. I am crying right now for the first time. I don’t know why. I’m not ready to forgive my mother! And I am pondering wether to delete this or post it. Oh the hell with it. Maybe my mother will see it…