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编者按/精读指导(B): Lesson 5选自英文版 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince第85-87页[第5章 An Excess of Phlegm],本课内容有3页(实际上是2页 1/3页文字),主要是描写普通巫师等级考试(O.W.L.s: Ordinary Wizarding Levels’ examination)的考试结果。在第5册《凤凰社》的精读中,我们学习过O.W.L.s内容,在本课学习中,我们会看到哈利、罗恩(Ron)、赫敏(Hermione)三人的考试结果。从文章写作的角度看,先写大家迫切地等待猫头鹰送考试结果,接着把哈利一个人考试结果展示出来,Ron 和Hermione考试结果是通过讨论来展示的,重点写了哈利对考试结果的心理描写,然后通过Ron兴奋的话语和哈利的心理描述,把Ron 和Hermione考试结果写出来。最后两段描写哈利心中的微微失望,因为魔药学考试结果E没有达到Snape 教授的要求,可能会影响哈利将来做傲罗(Auror)的职业目标。

在词汇学习方面,注意掌握:halfway, run, sinking的使用.

halfway ‘在···的中间;在中途;到一半’,作为副词使用,经常与through连用:He had had no chance of passing History of Magic, given that he had collapsed halfway through the examination (2014f, 86).

run ‘移动[某物]’,在本课我们学习动词的一个新义项,它在课文中表示手指在成绩单上移动:He ran his finger down the grades.... he had passed well in Transfiguration and Herbology, he had even Exceeded Expectations at Potions!

Sinking在本课中是把a/that sinking feeling ‘不详的感觉;沮丧之情’这个固定用法变形使用:He had known all along that he wouldn’t, but he still felt a sinking in his stomach as he looked again at that small black ‘E’ (2014f, 86-87).

She gripped both Harry and Ron tightly around the elbows.

Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince, page 85

LESSON 5A: PAGE 85 [Tuesday, March 15, 2022]

grip [ɡrɪp] v: to hold sth tightly. (紧握; 紧抓). SYN: grasp. [2014a: 90; 2014f: 85; 2014g: 306]

elbow [ˈelbəʊ] n: (肘; 肘部). [9A: 78; 2014a: 90; 2014b: 46; 2014e: 447; 2014f: 85]

burrow [ˈbʌrəʊ] n: ([动物的]洞穴,洞穴通道) [2014f: 85]

handsome [ˈhænsəm] adj: (of men) attractive. (英俊的; 漂亮的; 有魅力的) SYN: good-looking [7B: 51; 2014f: 85]

squeal [skwiːl] v: ( speech) ([尤指激动或紧张时]尖声说,高声嚷着说) [2014b: 118; 2014d: 415; 2014f: 85]

squeeze [skwiːz] v: to force sb/sth/yourself into or through a small space. ([使]挤入;挤过;塞入). [2014a: 39; 2014b: 193; 2014e: 390; 2014f: 85]

~ through, in, past, etc. [2014f: 85]

soar [sɔː(r)] v: to fly very high in the air or remain high in the air. (高飞; 翱翔). [2014c: 7; 2014f: 85]

neat [niːt] adj: tidy and in order. (整洁的; 整齐的; 有序的). [2014a: 18; 2014f: 85]

lift [lɪft] v: to raise sb/sth or be raised to a higher position or level. ([被]提起,举起,抬高,吊起) [9A: 51; 2014b: 218; 2014f: 30]

address [əˈdres] v: (写[收信人]姓名地址; 致函). [2014a: 39; 2014f: 85]

tie [taɪ] v: ~ sth adv./prep. (将…系在…上; 束紧; 系牢; 捆绑) [2014f: 85]

untie [ʌnˈtaɪ] v: ~ sth (解开···的结; 打开) [2014f: 85]

fumbling [ˈfʌmblɪŋ] adj: (笨拙的; 迟疑的) [2014f: 85]

detach [dɪˈtætʃ] v: (拆卸; [使]分开,脱离) [2014e: 494; 2014f: 85]

tremble [ˈtrembl] v: ~ (with sth) ([因紧张、激动、惊慌等]颤抖,哆嗦; 抖动; 战栗) [2014e: 658; 2014f: 85]

manage [ˈmænɪdʒ] v: to succeed in doing sth, especially sth difficult. (完成[困难的事];勉力完成). [9A: 52; 2014a: 31, 75; 2014b: 12; 2014f: 85]

slit [slɪt] v (slit, slit): (在···上开狭长口子;切开;划破) [2014e: 492; 2014f: 85]

unfold [ʌnˈfəʊld] v: to spread open or flat sth that has previously been folded; to become open and flat. ([使]展开;打开). OPP: fold. [2014a: 37; 2014d: 400; 2014f: 85]

pass [pɑːs] n: (especially BrE) (及格;合格;通过) [2014f: 85]

grade [ɡreɪd] n: (成绩等级; 评分等级) [8A: 21; 2014f: 85]

outstanding [aʊtˈstændɪŋ] adj: extremely good; excellent. (优秀的;杰出的;出色的) [2014e: 660; 2014f: 85]

exceed [ɪkˈsiːd] v: ~ sth (超过[数目或数量]) [2014f: 85]

expectation [ˌekspekˈteɪʃn] n: (预料; 预期; 期待) [2014f: 85]

acceptable [əkˈseptəbl] adj: (可接受的; 令人满意的; 可容许的) [2014f: 85]

fail [feɪl] n: ([考试]不及格) OPP: pass [2014e: 660; 2014f: 85]

poor [pɔː(r); BrE also puə] adj: (劣质的;差的;次的) [2014f: 85]

dreadful [ˈdredfl] adj: ([强调糟糕的程度]极其的,极坏的) SYN: terrible. [2014e: 301; 2014f: 85]

troll [trɒl] n: (in Scandinavian stories) a creature that looks like an ugly person. Some trolls are very large and evil, others are small and friendly but like to trick people. ([斯堪的纳维亚传说中的]山精,巨怪,友善顽皮的侏儒;成绩极差) [2014a: 185; 2014b: 104; 2014e: 456; 2014f: 85]

astronomy [əˈstrɒnəmi] n: the scientific study of the sun, moon, stars, planets, etc. (天文学) [2014f: 85]

divination [ˌdɪvɪˈneɪʃn] n (占卜; 预测; 预言) [2014f: 85]

herbology [hə'bɒlə dʒɪ] n: (草药学) [2014a: 330; 2014e: 659; 2014f: 85]

potion [ˈpəʊʃn] n: (literary) a drink of medicine or poison; a liquid with magic power. (药水;毒液;魔水). [2014a: 72; 2014b: 153; 2014d: 436; 2014e: 490; 2014f: 85]

transfiguration [ˌtrænsˌfɪɡə'reɪʃn] n: (变容; 变形; 美化; 变形术). [2014a: 72; 2014e: 659; 2014f: 85]

Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince, page 86

LESSON 5B: PAGE 86 [Tuesday, March 15, 2022]

parchment [ˈpɑːtʃmənt] n: material made from the skin of a sheep or goat, used in the past for writing on. (羊皮纸). [2014a: 36; 2014b: 360; 2014f: 85]

fail [feɪl] v: (不及格;评定不及格) OPP: pass. [9A: 30; 2014f: 86]

pass [pɑːs] v: (及格;合格) OPP: fail. [2014e: 659; 2014f: 86]

collapse [kəˈlæps] v: to sit or lie down and relax, especially after working hard. ([尤指因病重而]倒下,昏倒,晕倒) [2014f: 86]

halfway [ˌhɑːfˈweɪ] adv: at an equal distance between two points, in the middle of a period of time. (在···的中间;在中途;到一半) [8A: 77/131; 2014a: 217; 2014f: 86]

run [rʌn] v: ~ sth adv./prep. to move sth in a particular direction. (移动[某物]) [2014f: 86]

best [best] n: (usually the best) (最好的事物[或人]) [2014f: 86]

achieve [əˈtʃiːv] v: ~ sth ([凭长期努力]达到[某目标、地位、标准]) SYN: attain. [2014f: 86]

bend [bend] v (bent, bent): (especially sb’s body or head) to lean or make sth lean, in a particular direction. ([使]倾斜,偏向) [2014d: 426; 2014e: 153; 2014f: 86]

swap (also swop) [swɒp] v: to give sth to sb and receive sth in exchange. (交换[东西]). [2014a: 11; 2014e: 347]

glance [ɡlɑːns] n: ~ at/down/over/through sth (浏览;粗略地看) SYN: scan. [2014f: 86]

punch [pʌntʃ] v: to hit sb/sth hard with your fist (=closed hand). (拳打; 以拳痛击). [2014a: 21; 2014b: 354; 2014f: 86]

shoulder [ˈʃəʊldə(r)] (肩; 肩膀; 肩胛) [5B: 29; 9A: 86; 2014a: 216; 2014d: 408; 2014f: 86]

proudly [ˈpraʊdli] adv: in a way that shows sb is proud of sth. (得意地; 自豪地; 骄傲地) [2014e: 365; 2014f: 86]

ruffle [ˈrʌfl] v: to disturb the smooth surface of sth, so that it is not even. (弄皱; 弄乱; 使不平整;拂动). [2014a: 18; 2014b: 177; 2014d: 492; 2014f: 86]

O.W.L.s: Ordinary Wizarding Levels, the examination Hogwarts students took at the age of fifteen or grade 5. (普通巫师等级考试) [2014d: 47; 2014e: 649; 2014f: 86]

tentative [ˈtentətɪv] adj: (踌躇的; 犹豫不定的; 不果断的) SYN: hesitant.

tentatively adv: [2014d: 344; 2014e: 99; 2014f: 86]

come off it: (informal) used to disagree with sb rudely. ([粗鲁地表示不同意]别胡扯,别胡说,住口) [2014e: 390; 2014f: 86]

stride [straɪd] v: (pt strode [strəʊd]) (not used in the prefect tenses) to walk with long steps in a particular direction. (大步走; 阔步行走). [2014a: 51; 2014b: 260; 2014d: 368; 2014e: 481; 2014f: 14]

whip [wɪp] v: ~ sth adv./prep. ([突然迅速地]除去,拉动,抽出) [2014e: 481; 2014f: 86]

amused [əˈmjuːzd] adj: (被逗乐的;觉得好笑的) [Hamilton 2012: 91; 2014f: 86]

exasperated [ɪɡˈzæspəreɪtid] adj: (恼怒的; 烦恼的;愤怒的) SYN: infuriate. [2014f: 86]

N.E.W.T.s: Nastily Exhausting Wizarding Tests, the highest wizarding qualification Hogwarts offered (终极巫师考试) [2014c: 334; 2014f: 86]

grin [ɡrɪn] v: to smile widely. (露齿而笑; 咧着嘴笑; 粲然而笑). [2014a: 84; 2014b: 2; 2014e: 453; 2014f: 86]

sausage [ˈsɒsɪdʒ] n: (香肠;腊肠) [5B: 9; 2014a: 52; 2014f: 86]

twinge [twɪndʒ] n: ~ (of sth) ([一阵]不快; 难过;痛苦) [2014f: 86]

ambition [æmˈbɪʃn] n: (追求的目标;夙愿) [2014f: 86]

secure [sɪˈkjʊə(r)] v: ([尤指经过努力]获得,取得,实现) [2014f: 86]

require [rɪˈkwaɪə(r)] v: (使做[某事]; 使拥有[某物]; [尤指根据法规]规定) [9A: 159; 2014f: 86]

all along: all the time; from the beginning. (一直;始终) [2014f: 86]

Harry Potter and Half-Blood Prince, page 87

LESSON 5C: PAGE 87 [Tuesday, March 15, 2022]

a/that sinking feeling: (informal) an unpleasant feeling that you get when you realize that sth bad has been happened or is going to happen. (不详的感觉;沮丧之情) [2014f: 87]

odd [ɒd] adj: strange and unusual. (奇怪的; 怪异的; 反常的) [2014a: 32; 2014b: 302; 2014d: 484; 2014e: 311; 2014f: 87]

disguise [dɪsˈɡaɪz] n: (假扮;装扮;伪装) [2014e: 76; 2014f: 87]

catch, get, grab, take, etc. (a) hold of sb/sth: to have or take sb/sth in your hands. (抓住;拿着;握着;握住) [2014f: 29]

destiny [ˈdestəni] n: (命运; 天命; 天数) [2014f: 87]

prophecy [ˈprɒfəsi] n: (预言) [2014e: 737; 2014f: 29]

live up to sth: to do as well as or be as good as other people expect you to. (达到,符合,不辜负[他人的期望]) [2014f: 87]

survival [səˈvaɪvl] n: (生存; 存活; 幸存) [2014f: 87]

Voldemort ['vɔldəmɔ:(t)] n: (伏地魔) [2014a: 11; 2014e: 492; 2014f: 87]

Lesson 5 [2014f: 85-87] 作业:

1. 参考Harry的成绩单, 制作Ron and Hermione普通巫师等级考试(O.W.L.s)的考试结果.

2. 查找《哈利波特》在本课之前提到N.E.W.T.s (终极巫师考试)的例子。

3. 坚持每天掌握1到2个生词,风雨无阻,天天坚持。

《哈利波特》精读系类之编者按/精读指导(A):成人英语学习应该有更多的主动性,在高中英语的基础上,应该尽快进入英语原著和英文报纸的阅读,这样才能尽快的提升英语水平。因为英语原著和英语报纸,不同于中学的考试,其中的内容都是英语的实际应用。我会和朋友们一起分享英语原著《哈利波特》7册的内容和中国日报(China Daily)上面的英文报道。我们本着共享的理念,以“雅思6.5及之上的考生英语阅读水平”来编辑《哈利波特英语词典》,其中也会收录中学英语课本的一些单词。用《哈利波特英语词典》里面收录的单词来为《中国日报》等阅读文章做单词表。我们会认真精讲7册《哈利波特》中每一页,制出相对对应的单词表。


就我们初级英语课程而言,我们目前有两个工作目标:一是编写《哈利波特英语词典》,单词收录量为2到3万;二是编写《博雅英语阅读文库·中国日报1000篇》。我们有三级英语课程,初级英语课程为《哈利波特》7册的内容和中国日报(China Daily) 、《乔布斯传》、《马斯克传》等英语原著,以训练学生流畅地阅读英语小说、英语报刊杂志和按照英语习惯顺畅地写作为目标;中级英语课程为英语学术训练,能流畅地阅读英语学术著作,如 A New History of Western Philosophy,并能够书写规范的学术论文;高级英语课程是以了解通过英语来学习文化,学习莎士比亚等英美名家著作、英文版的《圣经》、《易经》等等,目的是更加深入地了解英语背后的文明和中华文明等,让英语学习不仅仅止于语言,要上升到文明的角度来学习英语和用英语来学习。我们认可这样的理念“语言和宗教是定义一个文明的核心标志”。我们的课程有三个立足点,一、高中毕业的英语水平;二、有学习的主动性;三、雅思最低成绩6.5。


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