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书名:Where the Wild Things Are 野兽国

人生道理:Setting out on an adventure is thrilling, but coming home is even better. 动身探险令人激动,而返回家园会让人更加心潮澎湃。莫里斯·森达克所著的《野兽国》对每一个曾梦想离家出走的孩子来说都是一本绝佳的故事书。淘气包马克斯因生活无趣而感到十分沮丧,于是被送到了一片可怕又骇人的土地上,那里住着各种野兽。马克斯当上了众兽之王,陶醉在自由自在的丛林生活中。但即使贵为大王也有宵禁时间,有一次,马克斯闻到了家里晚饭时熟悉的味道,他喜不自胜,甚至放弃了王位,返回了自己的卧室。

Maurice Sendak"s Where the Wild Things Are is the perfect story for every child who"s ever dreamed of running away. The mischievous Max, frustrated with his boring life, is transported to a frightening, monstrous land inhabited by beasts. He becomes king of the Wild Things and revels in the freedom of the jungle. But even royalty has a curfew, and once Max smells the familiar scent of suppertime at home, he"s all too happy to abdicate the throne and return to his bedroom.


书名:The Little Prince 小王子

人生道理:You can only truly be sure of what you feel in your heart. 你能深信的只有自己内心的感觉。


In Antoine de Saint-Exupéry"s The Little Prince, the protagonist struggles with his love for a tempestuous but beautiful rose. Frustrated with the demanding flower, the Little Prince decides to go out on an interplanetary adventure. During his travels, the Prince begins to doubt his love for the rose, particularly when he discovers that the planet Earth has bushels of flowers identical to her. Then, a wise fox teaches him that his love for the rose was the very thing that made her special, telling him, "It is only with the heart that one can see rightly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."


书名:The Giver 记忆传授人

人生道理:Don"t suppress your individuality for the sake of conformity. 不要为了从众而压抑你的个性。


In Lois Lowry"s The Giver, 11-year-old Jonas lives in a highly controlled "utopia", in which conformity and obedience are prioritized above all else. Jonas"s pale-colored eyes and his ability to see color make him feel out of place, and his isolation from the community deepens when he is assigned to train with the "Receiver of Memory". He discovers all the beauty that his society has sacrificed in their quest for a painless, orderly existence. Eventually, Jonas"s refusal to embody his society"s expectations gives him the courage to rewrite his destiny.


书名:Charlotte"s Web 夏洛的网人生道理: We give our lives meaning by helping others.帮助他人让我们的生命有了意义。

在E. B. 怀特的《夏洛的网》中,我们见到了最聪明的蜘蛛,她盘桓在一本童书的书页间,编织着自己的路。夏洛(编注:该蜘蛛的名字)通过在自己的一张张网上织出有关威尔伯(编注:一只待宰的猪)的信息,挽救了他的必死命运。她对威尔伯说:“一只蜘蛛的生命不能总是这样乱糟糟的,只忙着诱捕和进食苍蝇,这没有什么用处。通过帮助你,也许我也在尽力让我生命的价值得到一点点提升。”

In E. B. White"s Charlotte"s Web, we meet the wisest spider to ever spin her way across the pages of a children’s book. Charlotte rescues Wilbur from certain death by spinning messages about him in her webs. She tells Wilbur, "A spider"s life can"t help being something of a mess, with all this trapping and eating flies. By helping you, perhaps I was trying to lift up my life a bit."


书名:The Secret Garden 秘密花园

人生道理:Never allow anybody to impose limitations on your own abilities. 永远不要让任何人给你的能力设限。


In Frances Hodgson Burnett"s The Secret Garden, the petulant Mary Lennox finds happiness in the beauty of the Secret Garden and decides to share that with her newfound cousin, Colin. Colin has been treated as physically disabled his entire life, but Mary is certain that his weakness is purely psychological. Through persistent practice, Mary teaches Colin to walk. All the adults are shocked when they learn that Colin can run and play like any other child. This valuable lesson taught us that we must never allow limitations to confine our abilities, even if those limitations have been set by those who love us most.



人生道理:Knowledge is the most powerful weapon. 知识是最有力的武器。


Roald Dahl’s stories so often revolve around children who are smarter than the worlds they inhabit, and in Matilda, we meet the quintessential example of this theme. Despite Matilda"s superhuman wit, she is constantly bullied and belittled by her family. Her passion for reading sustains her and eventually becomes her best weapon. Indeed, as the narrator says, “All the reading she had done had given her a view of life that they had never seen.” Matilda learns to deftly manipulate the cruel, ignorant adults around her. We bet all bookworms finished Matilda wondering just how many books they’d have to read before they too could levitate their teacher’s chalk.

By Amanda Scherker 译 / 祝莉丽




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