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飘名著中的好句英文「英文名著《飘》Gong With the Wind:学习英语写作句型」

范句:SCARLETT O’HARA was not beautiful, but men seldom realized it when caught by her charm as the Tarleton twins were.



(1)频率副词:seldom adv.很少。 大多人只会用 “don’t” 这种不精确的否定词,来表述否定。

(2)省略句1:“when caught”= when (men are) caught by her charm. when引导从句的主语,如果和主句的主语一样,可省略。

(3)省略句1: as the Tarleton twins were= as the Tarleton twins were(caught by her charm)

(4)内容布局:【负面内容】SCARLETT O’HARA was not beautiful,【内容转折】but men(抽象人物) seldom realized it when caught by her charm,【具体案例】as the Tarleton(具体人物) twins were.



(1) The teacher is not learned, but students seldom realized it when arrested by her kindness as Tom was.

(2) The dish is not tasty, but students, extremely hungry, seldom realized it when devouring it as Tom did.


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