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“That is a longsword, not an old man’s cane,” Ser Alliser said sharply. “Are your legs hurting,Lord Snow?”

Jon hated that name, a mockery that Ser Alliser had hung on him the first day he came to practice.

The boys had picked it up, and now he heard it everywhere. He slid the longsword back into its scabbard. “No,” he replied.

Thorne strode toward him, crisp black leathers whispering faintly as he moved. He was a compact man of fifty years, spare and hard, with grey in his black hair and eyes like chips of onyx. “The truth now,” he commanded.

“I’m tired,” Jon admitted. His arm burned from the weight of the longsword, and he was starting to feel his bruises now that the fight was done.

“What you are is weak.”

“I won.”

“No. The Aurochs lost.”

One of the other boys sniggered. Jon knew better than to reply. He had beaten everyone that Ser Alliser had sent against him, yet it gained him nothing. The master-at-arms served up only derision.

Thorne hated him, Jon had decided; of course, he hated the other boys even worse.

Mockery 嘲弄

Compact 坚实的

Aurochs 欧洲野牛

Derision 嘲笑










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